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Folgende internationale und nationale Fachzeitschriften werden monatlich auf relevante Publikationen mit frauenheilkundlich-psychosomatischen Themen durchsucht (Start im November 2015):

Acta Scand Obstet Gynecol; Am J Obstet Gynecol; Europ J Obstet Gynecol; Obstet Gynecol; Int J Obstet Gynecol; BJOG; Fertil Steril; Human Reprod; Clin Obstet Gyn; ANZJOG; Contraception; Sem Perinatol; Menopause; Maturitas; J Reprod Med; PPmP; Gyn Obstet Invest; GebFra; Gynäkologe; J Immigrant Minor; Women & Birth; JOGNN; J Perinat Med; J Gyecol Obstet Reprod Human; Z Geburtsh Neonatol; Z Sexualmed.

Monat April 2019

  1. Mehnert-Theuerkauf, Anja; Lehmann-Laue, Antje: Psychoonkologie. PPmP 2019; 69: 141-156
  2. CE Holm‐Larsen  Postpartum depression and child growth in Tanzania: a cohort study BJOG 2019; 126: 590-598
  3. Cathrine Axfors Neuroticism is associated with higher antenatal care utilization in obstetric low‐risk women AOGS 2019; 98: 470-478
  4. Jean C. Hostage et al. Workplace Violence in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Results of a National Survey. J Reprod Med 2019, 64: 95-103
  5. Facchin F et al. Preliminary insights on the relation between endometriosis, pelvic pain, and employment Gynecol Obstet Invest 2019;84:190–195
  6. Kračun, Iris et al. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of maternal sexuality during pregnancy. J Perinat Med 2019; 47: 335-340
  7. J Chor et al. Shared decision-making framework for pelvic examinations in asymptomatic, nonpregnant patients. Obstet Gynecol 2019; 133: 810-814
  8. ACOG Committee Opinion Summary. Sexual assault. Obstet Gynecol 2019; 133: 850-851

Monat März 2019

  1. Neha Pathak et al. The experience of intimate partner violence among older women: A narrative review. Maturitas 2019; 121: 63-75
  2. Louise Möller et al. Reproduction, fear of childbirth and obstetric outcomes in women treated for fear of childbirth in their first pregnancy: A historical cohort. Acta Scand Obstet Gynecol 2019; 98: 374-381
  3. Aleksandra Kamińsk et al. Sexual function specific questionnaires as a useful tool in management of urogynecological patients – Review. Europ J. Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2019; 234: 126-130
  4. Di Zhao et al. Menopausal symptoms in different substages of perimenopause and their relationships with social support and resilience. Menopause 2019; 26 : 233–239
  5. Kelly L. Mirowska‐Allen et al. The characteristics of women recommended a laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain at a tertiary institution. ANZJOG 2019; 59: 123-133
  6. K Schrøder et al. Second victims need emotional support after adverse events: even in a just safety culture. BJOG 2019; 126: 440-442
  7. N. Aldardeir u. U. Peschers. Das Beckenschmerzsyndrom – Diagnose und Therapie. Gynäkologe. Gynäkologe 2019;  52:212–216 = Artikel des Monats


Monat Februar 2019

  1. Abby D. Altazan et al. Mood and quality of life changes in pregnancy and postpartum and the effect of a behavioral intervention targeting excess gestational weight gain in women with overweight and obesity: a parallel-arm randomized controlled pilot trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2019, 19: 50
  2. Karin Cato et al. Antenatal depressive symptoms and early initiation of breastfeeding in association with exclusive breastfeeding six weeks postpartum: a longitudinal population-based study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2019, 19: 49
  3. CM van Driel et al. Mindfulness, cognitive behavioural and behaviour‐based therapy for natural and treatment‐induced menopausal symptoms: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. BJOG 2019; 126: 330-339
  4. CMG van Driel et al. Mindfulness‐based stress reduction for menopausal symptoms after risk‐reducing salpingo‐oophorectomy (PURSUE study): a randomised controlled trial. BJOG 2019; 126: 402-411
  5. Agustin Oliva et al. A comparison of quality of life and resilience in menopausal women with and without a history of gynaecological cancer Maturitas 2019;  35-39
  6. Larkin, Lisa u. Kingsberg, Sheryl. A The unintended sexual health consequences of risk-reducing surgery we must do more! Menopause 2019; 26: 18–120
  7. Chan, Jessica L. et al. Risk factors for sexual dysfunction in BRCA mutation carriers after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy. Menopause 2019; 26: 132-139
  8. E Koert et al. Recurrent pregnancy loss: couples’ perspectives on their need for treatment, support and follow up. Human Reproduction2019; 34: 291–296


Monat Januar 2019

  1. Harish Kalra et al. An evaluation of routine antenatal depression screening and psychosocial assessment in a regional private maternity setting in Australia. ANZJOG 2018; 58: 629-635
  2. -J. Chou & C.-M. Shi. Using the health belief model to predict those seeking treatment for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder among premenopausal women. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 57 (2018) 791-795
  3. Li-Yun Tsai et al. A correlation study of fear of cancer recurrence, illness representation, self-regulation, and quality of life among gynecologic cancer survivors in Taiwan. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 57 (2018) 846-852
  4. Lina Maria Matthies et al. The influence of partnership quality and breastfeeding on postpartum female sexual function. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2019; 299: 69-77
  5. Sebastian Mayer et al. Sexual activity and quality of life in patients after treatment for breast and ovarian cancer. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2019, Volume 299, Issue 1, pp 191–201
  6. Melike Doganay et al. Comparison of female sexual function in women who underwent abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy with or without bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 2019; 48: 29–32
  7. Asma Ahmed et al. Trajectories of maternal depressive and anxiety symptoms from pregnancy to five years postpartum and their prenatal predictors BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2019, 19: 26
  8. Artikel des Monats: Rahel Klatte. Psychotherapie: Wirksam oder nicht? Psychother Psych Med 2019; 69: 5
  9. Artikel des Monats: Annika Simon. Psychotherapieforschung: Wie wichtig ist die Einsicht für den Behandlungserfolg? Psychother Psych Med 2019; 69: 6


Monat Dezember 2018

  1. Lauren Sobel et al. Pregnancy and Childbirth After Sexual Trauma: Patient Perspectives and Care Preferences Obstetrics & Gynecology. 132(6):1461-1468
  2. Ph Hepp et al. Effects of music intervention during caesarean delivery on anxiety and stress of the mother a controlled, randomised study BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18:435
  3. Sarah L. Silverberg et al. The Who, What, Why and When of Gynaecological Referrals for Refugee Women Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health December 2018, Volume 20, Issue 6, pp 1347–1354
  4. Therese Werner-Bierwisch et al. Mothers’ and fathers’ sense of security in the context of pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period: an integrative literature review BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18:473
  5. Jennifer Huberty et al. Relationship Between Mindfulness and Posttraumatic Stress in Women Who Experienced Stillbirth. JOGNN 2018; 47: 760-770
  6. Elizabeth A. Claydon et al. Waking up every day in a body that is not yours: a qualitative research inquiry into the intersection between eating disorders and pregnancy BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18:463
  7. Jeanette M. Olsen. Integrative Review of Pregnancy Health Risks and Outcomes Associated With Adverse Childhood Experiences. JOGNN 2018; 47: 783-794
  8. Brittany G. Grissette Barriers to Help-Seeking Behavior Among Women With Postpartum Depression JOGNN 2018; 47: 812-819
  9. Helena Volgsten et al. Women’s experiences of miscarriage related to diagnosis, duration, and type of treatment. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2018; 97: 1491-1498
  10. Elina Pohjoranta et al. Sexual well‐being after first trimester termination of pregnancy: Secondary analysis of a randomized contraceptive trial. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2018; 97: 1447-1454
  11. Mari Sälevaara et al. The mental health of mothers and fathers during pregnancy and early parenthood after successful oocyte donation treatment: A nested case‐control study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2018; 97:1478-1485
  12. Artikel des Monats: Peer Briken, Silja Matthiessen. Sex-Survey-Forschung in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 2018, 31: 215 – 217


Monat November 2018

  1. TA Steinbüchel et al. Internetabhängigkeit, Suizidalität und selbstverletzendes Verhalten – ein systematisches Review. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 451–461
  2. K Weidner et al. Traumatische Geburtsverläufe: Erkennen und Vermeiden. ZGN 2018; 222: 197-206
  3. A Righarts et al. The prevalence and potential determinants of dysmenorrhoea and other pelvic pain in women: a prospective study. BJOG 2018; 125:  1532-1539
  4. N Holford et al. The impact of postpartum psychosis on partners  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18:414
  5. CR Gracia et al. Predictors of decreased libido in women during the late reproductive years. Menopause 2018; 25, No. 11, pp. 1238-1243
  6. NE Avis et al. Correlates of sexual function among multi-ethnic middle-aged women: results from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) Menopause 2018; 25, No. 11, pp. 1244-1255


Monat Oktober 2018

  1. Ingegerd Hildingsson et al. Exploring the Fear of Birth Scale in a mixed population of women of childbearing age—A Swedish pilot study. Women & Birth 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2017.12.005 p407–413
  2. Katie R. Thorsness et al. Perinatal anxiety: approach to diagnosis and management in the obstetric setting. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018; Okt.: 326-345
  3. Maki, Pauline M et al. Guidelines for the evaluation and treatment of perimenopausal depression: summary and recommendations. Menopause 25(10):1069-1085
  4. Madeleine Simpson et al. Postnatal post-traumatic stress: An integrative review. Women & Birth 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.wombi.2017.12.003; p367–379
  5. Yong Ju Cho et al. Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Depressive Symptoms in International Migrants: A Study with Vietnamese Women in South Korea J Immigrant Minor 2018; 20: 1103-1108
  6. Scholten S. et al. Beschwerden über Psychotherapie und ihre Auswirkungen auf Patienten und Patientinnen. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 423-427
  7. Strauß, Bernhard et al. Negative Indikatoren im psychotherapeutischen Prozess: Häufigkeit und Zusammenhang mit Bindungsmerkmalen und Therapieerfolg bei Patienten mit sozialer Angststörung. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 408-416
  8. Abeling B. Negative Effekte von Psychotherapie: Häufigkeit und Korrelate in einer klinischen Stichprobe. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 428-436
  9. Artikel des Monats: Linden, Michael et al. Definition und Entscheidungsschritte in der Bestimmung und Erfassung von Nebenwirkungen von Psychotherapie. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 377-382


Monat September 2018

  1. Mucize Eric Ozdemir et al. The effect of the systematic birth preparation program on fear of vaginal delivery and quality of life. Acta Obstet Gynecol 2018; 298: 561-565
  2. Benjamin Tuschy et al. Changes in sexuality during ulipristal acetate treatment in women with symptomatic uterine fibroids. Europ J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2018; 228: 106-110
  3. Moore, Simas et al. A Systematic Review of Integrated Care Interventions Addressing Perinatal Depression Care in Ambulatory Obstetric Care Settings. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 61(3):573-590
  4. Leearman, Lee A. Screening for Depression in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 61(3):525-532
  5. Filippo Murina et al. Vaginal diazepam plus transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to treat vestibulodynia: A randomized controlled trial. Europ J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2018; 228: 148-153
  6. Callan, Nini G.L u. Woods, Nancy F. Less Multifactorial: pain in the menopause transition. Menopause. 25(9):965-967, September 2018
  7. Schaffir, Jonathan Consequences of Antepartum Depression. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 61(3):533-543
  8. Eleni A. Greenwood et al.Association among depression, symptom experience, and quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018: 219: 279-e1-e7
  9. Stephanie Both et al. Sexual response in women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome with a nonsurgical neovagina Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018: 219283.e1-283.e8
  10. Giuntivano, Jerry et al. Predictors of Postpartum Depression: A Comprehensive Review of the Last Decade of Evidence Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 61(3):591-603
  11. Steven G. Gabbe et al. Changes in the burnout profile of chairs of academic departments of obstetrics and gynecology over the past 15 years. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018: 219: 303.e1-303.e6
  12. Rich, Deborah. Psychological Impact of Pregnancy Loss: Best Practice for Obstetric Providers. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 61(3):628-636
  13. Holly R Harris et al. Early life abuse and risk of endometriosis. Humand Reprod 2018; Volume 33, Issue 9, 1 September 2018, Pages 1657–1668,
  14. G Miranda Varella Pereira et al. A systematic review of drug treatment of vulvodynia: evidence of a strong placebo effect. BJOG 2018; 152: 1216-1224
  15. JC Rivo et al. Obstetrical providers’ preferred mode of delivery and attitude towards non‐medically indicated caesarean sections: a cross‐sectional study. BJOG 2018; 152: 1294-1302


Monat August 2018

  1. Virgara et al. The comorbidity of low back pelvic pain and risk of depression and anxiety in pregnancy in primiparous women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:288
  2. W. E. Baijens et al. Improving shared decision-making in a clinical obstetric ward by using the three questions intervention, a pilot study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2018) 18:283
  3. Luisa Mathieu et al. Illness perception in overweight and obesity and impact on bio‑functional age. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2018) 298:415-426
  4. Vahideh Moghaddam Hosseini et al. Interventions for reducing fear of childbirth: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. Women and Birth 31 (2018) 254–262
  5. Helén Wahlbeck et al. Gaining hope and self-confidence—An interview study of women’s experience of treatment by art therapy for severe fear of childbirth. Women and Birth 31 (2018) 299–306
  6. G. Perez et al. Socio-demographic Moderators of Associations Between Psychological Factors and Latinas’ Breast Cancer Screening Behaviors. J Immigrant Minority Health (2018) 20:823–830
  7. Marij A. Hillen et al. Trust and Perceptions of Physicians’ Nonverbal Behavior Among Women with Immigrant Backgrounds. J Immigrant Minority Health (2018) 20:963–971
  8. Velda J. Gonzalez‑Mercado et al. Differences in the Severity, Distress, Interference, and Frequency on Cancer-Related Symptoms Between Island Hispanic Puerto Ricans and Mainland Non-Hispanic Whites. J Immigrant Minority Health (2018) 20:1029–1039
  9. Sebastian Berlit et al. Sexual functioning after total versus subtotal laparoscopic hysterectomy. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2018) 298:337–344
  10. Ava Ferguson Bryan, Julie Chor. Factors Influencing Young Women’s Preparedness for Their First Pelvic Examination. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2018; 132: 479–86
  11. Liebermann et al. Maltreatment during childhood: a risk factor for the development of endometriosis? Human Reproduction 2018; Volume 33, Issue 8: Pages 1449–1458
  12. Annika Ramin-Wright et al. Fatigue – a symptom in endometriosis. Human Reproduction, Volume 33, Issue 8, 1 August 2018, Pages 1459–1465
  13. James M. Weinberger et al. Female Sexual Dysfunction and the Placebo Effect. A Meta-analysis. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2018; 132: 435-458
  14. Hans-Christian Deter. Neue Ziele und Methoden der internistisch psychosomatischen Behandlung – das bio-psycho-soziale Modell als Orientierung. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 278–280
  15. Julia Kreis, Sebastian Grümer. Evidenzbasierung in der Psychotherapie. Berliner Ärzte 2018 (8), 32-33

Monat Juli 2018

  1. MP Steenbeek et al. Noninvasive diagnostic tools for pelvic congestion syndrome: a systematic review. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 97 (2018) 776–786
  2. WA March et al. Postnatal depression in a community‐based study of women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 97 (2018) 838-844838
  3. E Shakibazadeh et al. Respectful care during childbirth in health facilities globally: a qualitative evidence synthesis. BJOG 2018; 125: 932-942
  4. OT Oladapo et al. WHO model of intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience: transforming care of women and babies for improved health and wellbeing. BJOG 2018; 125: 918–922
  5. SC Weng et al. Do stillbirth, miscarriage, and termination of pregnancy increase risks of attempted and completed suicide within a year? A population‐based nested case–control study. BJOG 2018; 125: 983-990
  6. NF Woods, Utian, W. Utian. Quality of life, menopause, and hormone therapy: an update and recommendations for future research. Menopause 2018; 25(7):713-720
  7. SI Karlsdottir et al. Predictors of women’s positive childbirth pain experience: Findings from an Icelandic national study. Women and Birth Volume 31, Issue 3, June 2018, Pages e178-e184
  8. M De Roose et al. Level of parenting stress in mothers of singletons and mothers of twins until one year postpartum: A cross-sectional study. Women and Birth 31 (2018) e197–e

Monat Juni 2018

  1. Binu Gurung et al. Identifying and assessing the benefits of interventions for postnatal depression: a systematic review of economic evaluations. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18: 179 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-018-1738-9
  2. Mary Furniss et al. Information, support, and follow‐up offered to women who experienced severe maternal morbidity. Int J Obstet Gyencol 2018; 41: 384-388
  3. Guido Pennings et al. Attitude towards reciprocity as a motive for oocyte donation, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 225 (2018) 194–198
  4. Adebanjo B. Adeyemi et al. Factors associated with the desire for companionship during labor in a Nigerian community. Int J Obstet Gyencol 2018; 41: 360-365
  5. Martina de Zwaan, Yesim Erim. Psychosoziale Aspekte in der Transplantationsmedizin. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 169–170
  6. Kelly B. Smith et al. Antenatal vulvar pain management, labour management, and postpartum care of women with vulvodynia: A survey of physicians and midwives. JOGC 2018; 40: 579-587
  7. Kafuli Agbemenu et al. “Sex Will Make Your Fingers Grow Thin and Then You Die”: The Interplay of Culture, Myths, and Taboos on African Immigrant Mothers’ Perceptions of Reproductive Health Education with Their Daughters Aged 10–14 Years. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health June 2018, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp 697–704
  8. Lisanne F. de Graaff et al. Preventing post‐traumatic stress disorder following childbirth and traumatic birth experiences: a systematic review. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2018; 97: 648-656
  9. Katja Ångerud et al. Adverse childhood experiences and depressive symptomatology among pregnant women. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2018; 97: 701-708

Monat Mai 2018

  1. Zhong QY et al. Adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes complicated by psychosis among pregnant women in the United States BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18:120
  2. Fogarty S. et al. The experience of women with an eating disorder in the perinatal period: a meta-ethnographic study BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 18:121
  3. Arts-deJong M et al. High demoralization in a minority of oophorectomized BRCA1/2 mutation carriers influences quality of life. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018; 39: 96-104
  4. De Lacey SL et a. Acupuncture in reproductive medicine: the motivations of infertile women to participate in a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018, 39: 112-120.
  5. Poli-Neto OB et al. History of childhood maltreatment and symptoms of anxiety and depression in women with chronic pelvic pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018, 39: 83-89 (Artikel des Monats Mai)
  6. Ngu SF et al. Impact of different educational interventions on psychosocial well-being of women with a positive high-risk human papillomavirus and normal cervical cytology: a randomised trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018, 3: 146-155.
  7. Beveridge JK et al. Fear-based reasons for not engaging in sexual activity during pregnancy: associations with sexual and relationship well-being. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018, 39: 138-145
  8. van Haaren-ten Haken TM et al. Birth place preferences and women’s expectations and experiences regarding duration and pain of labor. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018; 39: 19-28
  9. Doster A et al. Reliability and validity of the German version of the Maternal–Fetal Attachment Scale. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2018; 297: 1157–1167
  10. Ribo Xiong et al. Prevalence and factors associated with postpartum depression in women from single‐child families Int J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 141: 194-199
  11. Wischmann T. Psychologische Aspekte bei Frühabort. Der Gynäkologe 2018, 51: 319–325

Monat April 2018

  1. Jonathan E. Handelzalts et al. Mode of delivery, childbirth experience and postpartum sexuality. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics April 2018, Volume 297, Issue 4, pp 927–932
  2. Ahmed Mohamed Maged et al. Effect of swimming exercise on premenstrual syndrome. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics April 2018, Volume 297, Issue 4, pp 951–959
  3. Böttcher et al. Health‑related quality of life in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: validation of the German PCOSQ‑G. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2018) 297: 1027–1035
  4. Yassaman Vafai u. Julia R. Steinberg. The effects of preabortion depressive symptoms on postabortion contraceptive effectiveness level chosen among women seeking abortions. Contraception 97 (2018) 335–340
  5. Lisa Taylor-Swanson et al. The dynamics of stress and fatigue across menopause: attractors, coupling, and resilience. Menopause. 25(4):380-390, April 2018
  6. Dona M.P. Jayakody et al. Association between speech and high-frequency hearing loss and depression, anxiety and stress in older adults. Maturitas 110 (2018) 86–91
  7. Michela Nosè et al. Prevalence and correlates of psychological distress and psychiatric disorders in asylum seekers and refugees resettled in an Italian catchment area. J Immigrant Minority Health (2018) 20:263–270
  8. Zelalem et al. Challenges in the provision of sexual and reproductive health care to refugee and migrant women: A Q methodological study of health professional perspectives. Immigrant Minority Health (2018) 20: 307-316
  9. Stefania Toselli et al. Psychosocial indicators in North African immigrant women in Italy. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health April 2018, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp 431–440
  10. Nan Guo et al. Prevalence of depression among women of reproductive age in the United States. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 131(4):671-679, April 2018
  11. Benjamin Tuschy et al. Evaluation of psychosocial and biological parameters in women seeking for a caesarean section and women who are aiming for vaginal delivery: a cross-sectional study. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics April 2018, Volume 297, Issue 4, pp 897–905

Monat März 2018

  1. Holly N Thomas et al. Changes in sexual function among midlife women: “I’m older… and I’m wiser” 25(3):286-292
  2. Katja Haemmerli Keller et al. Treatment‐related psychological stress in different in vitro fertilization therapies with and without gonadotropin stimulation. Acta Obstet Gynecol 2018; 97: 269-276
  3. Hanschmidt et al. Help-seeking Following Termination of Pregnancy after Diagnosis of Fetal Anomaly: Womenʼs Intentions and Experiences 1 to 7 Years after the Event. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2018; 78: 160–166
  4. Reid, CN. Soares. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Contemporary Diagnosis and Management. JOGC 2018; Volume 40, Issue 2, p215–223
  5. Sebastian Berlit et al. Changes in birth-related pain perception impact of neurobiological and psycho-social factors. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2018; 297:591–599
  6. Lyn Brierley-Jones et al. Supporting parents through stillbirth: A qualitative study exploring the views of health professionals and health care staff in three hospitals in England. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2018, 222: Pages 45-51
  7. Marla Less Shapiro. Do social determinants of health make a difference in the age at natural menopause in Canada? 25(3):250-251
  8. Carolyn E. Cesta et al. A prospective investigation of perceived stress, infertility‐related stress, and cortisol levels in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: influence on embryo quality and clinical pregnancy rate. Acta Obstet Gynecol 2018; 97: 258-268
  9. Patricia Eckerdal et al. Delineating the association between mode of delivery and postpartum depression symptoms: a longitudinal study. Acta Obstet Gynecol 2018; 97: 301-311
  10. Carolyn W.Swenso. Postpartum depression screening and pelvic floor symptoms among women referred to a specialty postpartum perineal clinic. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018; Volume 218, Issue 3, March 2018, Pages 335.e1-335.e6

Monat Februar 2018

  1. Katherine M. Johnson et al. An assessment of depression, psychosocial factors, and resilience among women seeking prenatal care at an urban community health center. Int J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 140, 153–158
  2. Sunghee Lee, Eunyoung Lee. Predictors of intimate partner violence among pregnant women. I nt J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 140, 159-163
  3. Pedro Vieira-Baptista et al. Diagnosis and management of vulvodynia in postmenopausal women. Maturitas 2018; 108: 84-94
  4. Stephanie Mulhall et al. Variation in symptoms of depression and anxiety in midlife women by menopausal status. Maturitas 2018; 108: 7-12
  5. Marcos J. Cuerva et al. The sexual health approach in postmenopause: The five-minutes study. Maturitas 2018; 108: 31-36
  6. PedroVieira-Baptista et al. Diagnosis and management of vulvodynia in postmenopausal women. Maturitas 2018; 108: 84-94
  7. William A. Grobman et al. Racial Disparities in Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Psychosocial Stress. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 131(2):328-335
  8. Carol Cornsweet Barber, Jessica Steadman Distress levels in pregnant and matched non‐pregnant women ANZJOG 2018; 58: 128-131
  9. James Keasley et al. Adverse effects of exposure to armed conflict on pregnancy: a systematic review. BMJ Glob Health 2017;2:e000377. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000377 (Artikel des Monats)

Monat Januar 2018

  1. Heleen J. van Beekhuizen et al. Generalized unprovoked vulvodynia; A retrospective study on the efficacy of treatment with amitriptyline, abapentin or pregabalin. Europ J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 220: 118-121
  2. Mèlanie N. van IJsselmuidena et al. Dutch women’s attitudes towards hysterectomy and uterus preservation in surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse. Europ J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 220: 79-83
  3. Annie W Lin et al. Health-related knowledge, beliefs and self-efficacy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Human Reproduction 2018; 33: 91–100
  4. Caio Lett et al. Is the age at menopause a cause of sexual dysfunction? A Brazilian population-based study. Menopause 2018; 25: 70-76
  5. Kimberly A. Yonkers, Michael K. Simoni. Premenstrual disorders. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 218: 68-74
  6. Catherine Allaire et al. Chronic pelvic pain in an interdisciplinary setting: 1-year prospective cohort. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 218: 114.e1-12.
  7. Holger Steinberg. Zum 200. Jahrestag der Schöpfung des Begriffes „Psychosomatisch“ in der medizinischen Weltliteratur durch Johann Christian August Heinroth. PPmP 2018; 68: 7-9
  8. Jutta Lindert et al. Angst, Depressionen und posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen bei Flüchtlingen – eine Bestandsaufnahme. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 22–29
  9. Anna-Maria Thöle et al. Die (Flüchtlings-) Krise im psychotherapeutischen Behandlungszimmer. Psychother Psych Med 2018; 68: 30–37

Monat Dezember 2017

  1. Zeleke BM et al. Vasomotor symptoms are associated with depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older women. 24 (12):1365-1371, December 2017.
  2. Yamanaka-Altenstein M er al. Motivationale Ziele und Partnerschaftsqualität in einer Stichprobe von Personen mit Infertilität. PPmP 2017; 67: 514–524
  3. C Purcell et al. Women’s experiences of more than one termination of pregnancy within two years: a mixed‐methods study. BJOG 2016; 124: 1938-1992
  4. Rocca GL et al. Adverse childhood experiences and adult abuse are predictors of hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Maturitas 2017; 106: 95-96
  5. Redings KM et al. Perimenopausal depression and early menopause: cause or consequence? 24 (12):1333-1335, December 2017.
  6. Lamont J et al. Female Sexual Health Consensus Clinical Guidelines. JOGC December 2017. Volume 39, Issue 12, Pages e535–e541
  7. Theresa Beddig, Christine Kühner. Aktuelle Aspekte zur Prämenstruellen Dysphorischen Störung – Ein Überblick. Psychother Psych Med 2017; 67: 504–513 (Artikel des Monats Dezember)

Monat November 2017

  1. Mehida A al. The management of sexuality, intimacy, and menopause symptoms (SIMS) after prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: How to maintain sexual health in “previvors”. Maturitas 2017 Pages 46-51
  2. Marino JL et al. Sexual inactivity in partnered female cancer survivors. Maturitas 2017; 105 Pages 89-94 (Artikel des Monats November)
  3. Seib Ch et al. Exposure to stress across the life course and its association with anxiety and depressive symptoms: Results from the Australian Women’s Wellness After Cancer Program (WWACP). Maturitas  2017; 105 Pages 107-112
  4. Brandenbarg D et al. Patients’ expectations and preferences regarding cancer follow-up care. Maturitas 2017; 105: 58-63
  5. Mednoza N et al. Sexual health after breast cancer: Recommendations from the Spanish Menopause Society, Federación Española de Sociedades de Sexología, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria and Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica  Maturitas 2017; 105 Pages 126-131
  6. Hasson et al. Quality of life of immigrant and non‐immigrant infertile patients in a publicly funded in vitro fertilisation program: a cross‐sectional study. BJOG 2017; 124, 1841–1847
  7. Lehman V et al. Fertility-related knowledge and reproductive goals in childhood cancer survivors: short communication. Human Reproduction, Volume 32, 2017, Pages 2250–2253
  8. Woods NF. Quality of life among midlife women: globalization and women’s lives. Menopause 2017; 24: p 1217–1218
  9. Salazar-Pousada D et al. Evaluation of depressive symptoms in mid-aged women: report of a multicenter South American study. Menopause 2017; 24:1282-1288

Monat Oktober 2017

  1. Margaret Whicker et al. Management of sexuality, intimacy, and menopause symptoms in patients with ovarian cancer. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, October 2017; 395 ff
  2. Jana L. Schmidt et al. Patients’ experience of breast reconstruction after mastectomy and its influence on postoperative satisfaction. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics October 2017, Volume 296, Issue 4, pp 827–834
  3. KR Mitchell et al. Painful sex (dyspareunia) in women: prevalence and associated factors in a British population probability survey. BJOG 2017; 124, 1689–1697
  4. Angelo do Carmo Silva Matthes u. Gustavo Zucca-Matthes. Painful sex (dyspareunia) in women: prevalence and associated factors in a British population probability survey. BJOG 2017; 124, 1789 (commentary/letter)
  5. Maurice Theunissen et al. Prevalence and predictors of depression and well-being after hysterectomy: An observational study. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Volume 217, October 2017, Pages 94-100
  6. A. Amir et al. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in infertile versus fertile couples. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 217 (2017) 38–43
  7. James A. Simon u. Vanessa Lukas. Distressing Sexual Function at Midlife: Unmet Needs, Practical Diagnoses, and Available Treatments. Obstetrics & Gynecology: October 2017 – Volume 130 – Issue 4 – p 889–905
  8. Myra S. Hunter, Leroy C. Edozien. Special Issue Issue 3: Biopsychosocial Perspectives on the Menopause Guest (Editors: Myra Hunter and Leroy Edozienon) Volume 38, 2017
  9. Michael K. Simoni et al. Women’s career priority is associated with attitudes towards family planning and ethical acceptance of reproductive technologies. Human Reproduction, Volume 32, Issue 10, 1 October 2017, Pages 2069–2075
  10. Dana R. Schreiber, Natalie D Dautovich Depressive symptoms and weight in midlife women: the role of stress eating and menopause status. Menopause. 24(10):1190-1199, October 2017.
  11. Maike Fliegner et al. Kinderwunsch bei (permanenter) Infertiliät: Entwicklung und Ergebnisse des „Fragebogens Einstellungen zur Mutterschaft (FEMu)“. Psychother Psych Med 2017; 67: 401–412
  12. Verena Wulff et al. Musik in der Geburtshilfe: eine Interventionsmöglichkeit zur Anspannungs-, Schmerz- und Stressreduktion. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2017; 77(09): 967-975
  13. Julian A. Rubel  et al. Qualitätssicherung in der Psychotherapie. Psychother Psych Med 2017; 67: 436–448
  14. Sophia Chae et al. Reasons why women have induced abortions: a synthesis of findings from 14 countries. Contraception Volume 96, Issue 4, October 2017, Pages 233-241 (Artikel des Monats)

Monat September 2017

  1. Harris V et al. The aetiology of chronic vulval pain and entry dyspareunia: a retrospective review of 525 cases. ANZJOG 2017; 57: 446-451
  2. Dennis CL et al. Identifying women at risk for sustained postpartum anxiety. J Affect Disord 2017; 213: 131–137
  3. Richardson A et al. Anxiety associated with diagnostic uncertainty in early pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2017; 50: 247-254
  4. Pitsouni E et al. Laser therapy for the genitourinary syndrome of menopause. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Maturitas 103 (2017) 78–88
  5. Facchin F et al. Mental health in women with endometriosis: searching for predictors of psychological distress. Human Reproduction, Volume 32, Issue 9, 1 September 2017, Pages 1855–1861
  6. Osborne LM et al. Clinical Updates in Women’s Health Care Summary: Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Primary and Preventive Care Review. Osborne, Lauren M.; Payne, Jennifer L. Less
  7. Obstetrics & Gynecology . 130(3):674, September 2017.
  8. Bishp LA. Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology. 60(3):524-530, September 2017.
  9. Munor A. et al. Prevalence and Predictors of Chronic Pain in Pregnancy and Postpartum. JOGC 2017; Volume 39, Issue 9, Pages 734–741
  10. Jarell J. Pregnancy-related pain. JOGC 2017; Volume 39, Issue 9, Pages 769–771
  11. Liu KE et al. No. 246-Pelvic Examinations by Medical Students. JOGC 2017; Volume 39, Issue 9, Pages e322-e324
  12. Bossano CM. et al. The maternal childbirth experience more than a decade after delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017;217:342.e1-8.

Monat August 2017

  1. J Toohill et al. A cost effectiveness analysis of midwife psycho-education for fearful pregnant women – a health system perspective for the antenatal period. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 201717:217 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-017-1404-7
  2. Anna Möller et al. Tonic immobility during sexual assault – a common reaction predicting post‐traumatic stress disorder and severe depression. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2017; Vol: 96, Pages: 932–938
  3. Anja J. Gebhardt et al. Parenting stress and its association with perceived agreement about the disclosure decision in parents following donor conception. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2017; Volume 96, Issue 8; Pages 968-975
  4. Hans Peter Dietz. Women and babies need protection from the dangers of normal birth ideology. FOR: The recent maternity review risks making the situation even worse. BJOG 2017; Volume 124, Issue 9, Page 1384
  5. Lesley Page. Women and babies need protection from the dangers of normal birth ideology : AGAINST: Support for normal birth is crucial to safe high‐quality maternity care.  BJOG 2017; Volume 124, Issue 9, Page 1385
  6. M O`Connor et al. Physical after‐effects of colposcopy and related procedures, and their inter‐relationship with psychological distress: a longitudinal survey. BJOG 2017; Volume 124, Issue 9, Page 1402-1410
  7. 7.     Carolina R. de Mendonça et al. Sexual dysfunction in infertile women: A systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 215 (2017) 153–163
  8. Afsane Bahrami et al. Neuropsychological function in relation to dysmenorrhea in adolescents. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 215 (2017) 224-229
  9. Susanne Grüber et al. Antenatal depressive symptoms and subjective birth experience in association with postpartum depressive symptoms and acute stress reaction in mothers and fathers: A longitudinal path analysis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 215 (2017) 68-74
  10. María de la Fe Rodríguez-Muñoz et al. Feasibility of screening and prevalence of prenatal depression in an obstetric setting in Spain. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 215 (2017) 101-105
  11. L. Culley et al. A qualitative study of the impact of endometriosis on male partners. Human reprod 2017; 32: 1667-1673
  12. Nicola Veronese et al. Dance movement therapy and falls prevention. Maturitas 2017; 102: 1-5
  13. Pablo Ferreira et al. Intimate personal violence and caregiving: Influences on physical and mental health in middle-aged women. Maturitas 2017; 102: 34-40
  14. Maeve A. O’Connell et al. Worldwide prevalence of tocophobia in pregnant women: systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2017; Volume 96, Issue 8; Pages 907–920 (Artikel des Monats August)

Monat Juli 2017

  1. Nilvér H et al. Measuring women’s childbirth experiences: a systematic review for identification and analysis of validated instruments. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2017) 17:203 DOI 10.1186/s12884-017-1356-y
  2. Norrell LL et al. Women’s beliefs about the purpose and value of routine pelvic examinations. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 217, Pages 86.e1-86.e6
  3. Wahlberg Aet al. Post‐traumatic stress symptoms in Swedish obstetricians and midwives after severe obstetric events: a cross‐sectional retrospective survey. BJOG 2017; 124, Pages 1264–1271
  4. EBCOG position statement on female genital mutilation. European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) EJOG 2017; 214: Pages 192-193
  5. Jennifer M. Psychological and emotional concomitants of infertility diagnosis in women with diminished ovarian reserve or anatomical cause of infertility. Fertil Steril 2017; 108: Pages 161-167
  6. Márki G et al. Physical pain and emotion regulation as the main predictive factors of health-related quality of life in women living with endometriosis. Human Reprod (2017) 32 (7): 1432-1438
  7. Gariepya A. Pregnancy context and women’s health-related quality of life. Contraception 95 (2017) 491–499
  8. Pablo Ferreira et al. Intimate personal violence and caregiving: Influences on physical and mental health in middle-aged women. Maturitas 2017; 102: 34-40
  9. Atema V et al. An Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment-induced menopausal symptoms in breast cancer survivors: results of a pilot study. Atema, Vera; van Leeuwen, Marieke; Oldenburg, Hester S.A.; van Beurden, Marc; Hunter, Myra S.; Aaronson, Neil K. Less Menopause . 24(7):762-767, July 2017.
  10. Hassan I. The forgotten victims—and their invisible injuries. BJOG 2017; 124: 1272
  11. Núñez-Pizarro JL et al. Association between anxiety and severe quality-of-life impairment in postmenopausal women: analysis of a multicenter Latin American cross-sectional study. Menopause . 24(6):645-652, June 2017
  12. Lutz W, Wucherpfennig F. Was bedeutet Personalized Medicine und Personalized Mental Health für die Psychotherapie und Psychotherapieforschung? Oder warum die Psychotherapieforschung in Deutschland ausgebaut werden sollte/könnte/müsste? (Teil 3) PPmP 2017; 67: 227-230 (Artikel des Monats Juli)

Monat Juni 2017

  1. Hasenburg A. et al. Sexualität nach gynäkologischen Krebserkrankungen. Der Gynäkologe May 2017, Volume 50, Issue 5, pp 333–338
  2. Ackermann U. Psychoonkologische Probleme nach Krebserkrankungen der Frau. Empirische Datenlage und Konsequenzen für die Praxis. Der Gynäkologe May 2017, Volume 50, Issue 5, pp 327–332
  3. Zanardo V et al. Cohort study of the depression, anxiety, and anhedonia components of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale after delivery. Int. J. Obstet Gynecol 2017; 137: 277–281
  4. Whitburn LY et al. The meaning of labour pain: how the social environment and other contextual factors shape women’s experience. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2017; 17: 157 (published on 30 May 2017)
  5. Broughton DE et al. Sex and gender: you should know the difference. Fertil Steril 2017; 107:1293-1294
  6. Henrietta D.L. Ockhuijsen  HDL et al. Validation study of the SCREENIVF: an instrument to screen women or men on risk for emotional maladjustment before the start of a fertility treatment Fertil Steril 2017; 107; 1370-1379
  7. Coughlan B et al. The Second Victim: a Review. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2017; 213, 11–16 (Artikel des Monats Juni)

Monat Mai 2017

  1. Aysu Akca et al. The influence of the systematic birth preparation program on childbirth satisfaction. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2017) 295:1127–1133
  2. Paul Philipp Stützer et al. Elective Caesarean section on maternal request in Germany: factors affecting decision making concerning mode of delivery. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2017) 295: 1151-1156
  3. EBCOG position statement on violence against women. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 212 (2017) 186–187
  4. Epstein R et al. Effect of a patient-centered communication intervention on oncologist-patient communication, quality of life, and health care utilization in advanced cancer. JAMA Oncol 2017; 3 (1): 92-100
  5. Simoes E et al. Psychosoziale Belastungen, Schwangerschaftsverlauf und -outcome im Kontext sexueller Dienstleistungen. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2017; 77: 366-376
  6. Christa A. et al. Accommodating immigrant women’s preferences for female health care providers. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2017; 129: 919–924
  7. Laura G. Cooney et al. High prevalence of moderate and severe depressive and anxiety symptoms in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod (2017) 32 (5): 1075-1091
  8. Emma E. Dargie et al. Provoked vestibulodynia: Diagnosis, self-reported pain, and presentation during gynaecological examinations. JOGC 2017; 39: 145–151
  9. Innie Chen et al. Hospital-associated costs of chronic pelvic pain in Canada: A Population-based descriptive study. JOGC 2017; 39: 174–180
  10. L. Steel et al. The psychological consequences of pre-emigration trauma and post-migration stress in refugees and immigrants from Africa. Journal of immigrant and minority health 2017, 19: 523–532
  11. Astrid Louise Løvlie u. Ahmed Ali Madar. Postpartum depression among Somali women in Norway. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2017, 19: 638-644
  12. Vigod SN et al. Postpartum mental health of immigrant mothers by region of origin, time since immigration, and refugee status: a population-based study. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2017 Apr 4. doi: 10.1007/s00737-017-0721-1
  13. Shiping Liu et al. Risk factors for postpartum depression among Chinese women: path model analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2017; 17: 133 DOI: 1186/s12884-017-1320-x
  14. Delfin A. Tan et al. Cultural aspects and mythologies surrounding menstruation and abnormal uterine bleeding. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2017; 40: 121–133

Monat April 2017

  1. Nieminen K et al. Severe fear of childbirth indicates high perinatal costs for Swedish women giving birth to their first child. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2017; 96: 438–446
  2. McNamara K et al. Healthcare professionals’ response to intrapartum death: a cross sectional study. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2017) 295:845–852
  3. Wallwiener St. et al. Sexual activity and sexual dysfunction of women in the perinatal period: a longitudinal study. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2017) 295:873–883
  4. Handelzalts JE et al. The impact of genital self-image on sexual function in women with pelvic floor disorders. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 211 (2017) 164–168
  5. Demirci H et al. Birth characteristics of Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in Turkey in 2015. Int J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 137: 63–66
  6. Copp T et al. Influence of the disease label ‘polycystic ovary syndrome’ on intention to have an ultrasound and psychosocial outcomes: a randomised online study in young women. * Correspondence address: Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Tel.: + 61 2 9351 5178; E-mail: jansen@sydney.edu.au;
    Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic PubMed Google Scholar; Hum Reprod (2017) 32 (4): 876-884
  7. Zeleke BH et al. Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction in community-dwelling older women. Zeleke, Berihun M.; Bell, Robin J.; Billah, Baki; Davis, Susan R. Less Menopause 2017; 24(4):391-399
  8. Fellmeth G et al. Migration and perinatal mental health in women from low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG 2017; 124: 742–752
  9. Stewart DE. Perinatal mental health in low‐ and middle‐income country migrants. (Mini commentary) BJOG 2017; 124: 753 = Artikel des Monats:

Monat Februar 2017

  1. Nicoline C. Do Quality of life, anxiety and depression symptoms in early and late pregnancy in women with pregestational diabetes.  2017; 96: 190–197
  2. J Vikström et al. Risk of postnatal depression or suicide after in vitro fertilisation treatment: a nationwide case–control study. BJOG 2017; 124: 435-442
  3. RCOG Green-top Guideline. Management of Premenstrual Syndrome. Green-top Guideline No. 48. BJOG 2017; 124: e73–e105
  4. G Barabara et al.  Sexual violence against adolescent girls: the need for shared multidisciplinary prevention strategies. BJOG 2017; 124: 434
  5. Saba W. Masho et al. Understanding the role of violence as a social determinant of preterm birth Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 216: 183.e1-183.e7
  6. Sara E. Arian et al. Characterizing women with interest in uterine transplant clinical trials in the United States: who seeks information on this experimental treatment? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 216: 183.e1-183.e7
  7. N. Fritzer, G. Hudelist Love is a pain? Quality of sex life after surgical resection of endometriosis: a review. Europ J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; 209: Pages 72-76
  8. Abdulcadir, Jasmine et al. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Relapse and Clitoral Reconstruction After Female Genital Mutilation. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2017; 129 : p 371–376
  9. Committee Opinion No. 687: Approaches to Limit Intervention During Labor and Birth Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2017; Volume 129: p e20–e28
  10. Zeiss T, Reuter K. Psychoonkologie: Qualitätsmerkmal in der Krebstherapie. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2017; 77: 27-30
  11. Maria P Sobral et al. COMPI Fertility Problem Stress Scales is a brief, valid and reliable tool for assessing stress in patients seeking treatment. Hum Reprod (2017) 32 (2): 375-382
  12. Katrina A. MacFarlane et al. “It was as if society didn’t want a woman to get an abortion”: a qualitative study in Istanbul, Turkey. Contraception 95 (2017) 154–160
  13. Lori M. Gawrona Katie Watson. Documenting moral agency: a qualitative analysis of abortion decision making for fetal indications. Contraception 95 (2017) 175-180
  14. Tara Kearns et al. Patient reported outcome measures of quality of end-of-life care: A systematic review. Maturitas 2017; 96: 16-25
  15. Volmer L et al. Infertile Partnersʼ Coping Strategies Are Interrelated – Implications for Targeted Psychological Counseling. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2017; 77: 52–58:

Monat Januar 2017

  1. G. Michael Allan et al. The future of guidelines: primary care focused, patient oriented, evidence based and simplified. Maturitas 2017; 95: 61-6
  2. Eun-Ok Im et al. Web-based interventions for menopause: A systematic integrated literature review. Maturitas 2017; 95: 24-30
  3. Katherine E. Campbell et al. The trajectory of negative mood and depressive symptoms over two decades. Maturitas 2017; 95: 36-41
  4. M. M. Seval et al. Comparison of effects of digital vaginal examination with transperineal ultrasound during labor on pain and anxiety levels: a randomized controlled trial Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016; 48: 695–700
  5. FF Tu et al. A modest proposal to investigate chronic uterine pain. BJOG 2017; 124: 182–184
  6. ML Falsetta et al. A review of the available clinical therapies for vulvodynia management and new data implicating proinflammatory mediators in pain elicitation. BJOG 2017; 124: 210–218
  7.  KR Wylie. Vulvodynia – a painful condition; an inflammatory process? BJOG 2017; 124: 219
  8. FF Tu et al. Noninvasive experimental bladder pain assessment in painful bladder syndrome. BJOG 2017; 124: 283–291
  9. RCOG Green-top Guideline. Management of Bladder Pain Syndrome. Green-top Guideline No. 70. BJOG 2017; 124: e46-e72
  10. Bhat A et al. The Obstetrician–Gynecologist’s Role in Detecting, Preventing, and Treating Depression. Obstet Gynecol 2017; 129: 157-163
  11. Vikström J et al. Risk of postpartum psychosis after IVF treatment: a nationwide case-control study. Hum. Reprod. 2017; 32 139-146
  12. Oleguer Plana-Ripoll et al. Reproductive function in the sons of women who experienced stress due to bereavement before and during pregnancy: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Fertil Steril 2017; 107: 189-197
  13. Vitale SG et al. A Systematic Review of the Association between Psychiatric Disturbances and Endometriosis (letter to the editor). JOGC 2016; 38: 1079–1080
  14. Leeners B. Weibliche Sexualität und sexuelle Störungen (Übersicht). Gynäkologe 2017; 50:55–68
  15. Michael Marquardt, Joachim Heinrich Demling. Psychotherapie und Religion: Eine repräsentative Umfrage unter Psychotherapeuten in Süddeutschland.  Psychother Psych Med 2016; 66: 473–480
  16. Elisabeth Liebau. Psychische Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von Zuwanderern und deren Nachkommen im SOEP in den Jahren 1984–2016. Psychother Psych Med 2016; 66: 393–396

Monat Dezember 2016

  1. Martine D. Freeman et al. Physical symptoms and emotional responses among women undergoing induced abortion protocols during the second trimester. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 135 (2016) 154–157
  2. Celia Hoi Yan Chan et al. A longitudinal study investigating the role of decisional conflicts and regret and short-term psychological adjustment after IVF treatment failure. Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (12): 2772-2780
  3. Kelly B. Smith et al. Clinicians’ Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Maternity Care in Women With Vulvodynia. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2016;38(9): 811e819
  4. Jacques Balayla. Uterine Transplants in the Canadian Setting: A Theoretical Framework. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2016;38(10): 955e960
  5. Liu, Zhao-min et a. Associations between dietary patterns and psychological factors: a cross-sectional study among Chinese postmenopausal women. Menopause  2016 – Volume 23 – Issue 12 – p 1294–1302F.
  6. Ulrich, F. Petermann. Consequences and Possible Predictors of Health-damaging Behaviors and Mental Health Problems in Pregnancy – A Review. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2016; 76: 1136–1156
  7. Rossella E. Nappi Female sexual dysfunction (FSD): Prevalence and impact on quality of life (QoL). Maturitas Volume 94, December 2016, Pages 87–91
  8. Jenifer Sassarini. Depression in midlife women. Maturitas Volume 94, December 2016, Pages 149–154
  9. Sawsan As-Sanie et al. Pain Catastrophizing in Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain and Its Relationship to Pain Experience and Childhood Sexual Abuse. J Reprod Med 2016;  61: 545-551
  10. Kreß H. Heutige Kinderwunschmedizin an einer Wegscheide. Vorwirkende Schutzrechte von Kindern als normatives Kriterium. ZRP Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 2016; 49: 232-235

Monat November 2016

  1. Meissner K et al. Psychotherapy With Somatosensory Stimulation for Endometriosis-Associated Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Meissner, Karin; Schweizer-Arau, Annemarie; Limmer, Anna; Preibisch, Christine; Popovici, Roxana M.; Lange, Isabel; de Oriol, Barbara; Beissner, Florian Less Obstetrics & Gynecology 2016; 128(5):1134-1142
  2. Higgins JA et al. Women’s Sexual Function, Satisfaction, and Perceptions After Starting Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives. Obstetrics & Gynecology2016; 128(5):1143-1151 Higgins, Jenny A.; Sanders, Jessica N.; Palta, Mari; Turok, David K. Less
  3. Boisseau CL. Identification and management of eating disorders in gynecology: menstrual health as an underutilized screening tool Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016; 215:572-57
  4. De Graaff AA et al. Dyspareunia and depressive symptoms are associated with impaired sexual functioning in women with endometriosis, whereas sexual functioning in their male partners is not affected. Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (11): 2577-2586
  5. Wallwiener M et al. Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Brustkrebspatientinnen in der metastasierten oder adjuvanten Situation. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2016; 76(10): 1065-1073
  6. Sasmita Kusumastuti S. et al. Successful ageing: A study of the literature using citation network analysis Maturitas, 2016; 93: 4-12
  7. Di Pilla M et al. Gender differences in the relationships between psychosocial factors and hypertension Maturitas 2016; 93: 58.64

Monat Oktober 2016

  1. S. Albersheim et al. Unconventional Treatment Requests: Should Requests for Female-Only Care Providers Be Accommodated? J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2016;38:651-654
  2. S. Nazarpour et al. Factors affecting sexual function in menopause: A review article. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 55 (2016) 480e487
  3. Leuzinger-Bohleber M. et al. Frühe Elternschaft bei traumatisierten Migranten und Geflüchteten und ihre transgenerativen Folgen. Psychoanalytische Überlegungen zur Prävention. Psyche, 2016, 70; pp 949-976. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/aogs.12959/full
  4. E. Clarke, u. Y. Richens. Female genital mutilation: an ‘old’ problem with no place in a modern world. Acta Scand Obstet Gynecol 2016; Vol: 95, Pages: 1193-1195
  5. I. Tendais u. B. Figueiredo. Parents’ anxiety and depression symptoms after successful infertility treatment and spontaneous conception: does singleton/twin pregnancy matter? Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (10): 2303-2312
  6. S. Keesing et al. A dyadic approach to understanding the impact of breast cancer on relationships between partners during early survivorship. BMC Women’s Health (2016) 16:57 DOI 10.1186/s12905-016-0337-z
  7. A.M. Robinson et al. Who is distressed? A comparison of psychosocial stress in pregnancy across seven ethnicities. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2016; 16:215 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-016-1015-8
  8. Artikel des Monats: E. Toffol et al. Anxiety and quality of life after first‐trimester termination of pregnancy: a prospective study. Acta Scand Obstet Gynecol 2016; Vol: 95, Pages: 1171-1180

Monat August 2016

  1. T.J. de Villiersa et al. Revised global consensus statement on menopausal hormonetherapy. Maturitas 91 (2016) 153–155
  2. K. Kannenberg et al. Treatment-Associated Anxiety among Pregnant Women and their Partners: What is the Influence of Sex, Parity, Age and Education? Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2016; 76: 809–813
  3. John Jarrell et al. Evolutionary considerations in the development of chronic pelvic pain. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; 215, Issue 2, August 2016, Pages 201.e1–201.e4
  4. Kate M Levett et al. Complementary therapies for labour and birth study: a randomized controlled trial of antenatal integrative medicine for pain  management in labour. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010691. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010691
  5. Javier Pizarro‐Berdichevsky et al. Association between pelvic floor disorder symptoms and QoL scores with depressive symptoms among pelvic organ prolapse patients. Aust NZ Gynecol Obstet 2016; 56, Pages: 391–397
  6. Kate Cheney et al. Unintended pregnancy amongst an early pregnancy clinic cohort: Identifying opportunities for preventative health interventions. Aust NZ Gynecol Obstet 2016 56, Pages: 426–431
  7. Allison L. Kearney, Katherine M. White. Examining the psychosocial determinants of women’s decisions to delay childbearing Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (8): 1776-1787
  8. K.C. Schliep et al. Sexual and physical abuse and gynecologic disorders. Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (8): 1904-1912 = Artikels des Monats August

Monat Juli 2016

  1. Derya Akdag Cirik et al. The impact of prenatal psychologic and obstetric parameters on postpartum depression in late-term pregnancies: A preliminary study. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 55, Issue 3, June 2016, Pages 374–378
  2. Elsa Lena Ryding et al. Pregnant women’s preference for cesarean section and subsequent mode of birth – a six-country cohort study Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology Volume 37, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 75-83
  3. BM Donovan et al. Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and the risk for adverse infant outcomes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. BJOG 2016; Vol: 123, Pages: 1289–1299
  4. Federica Facchin et al. Personality in women with endometriosis: temperament and character dimensions and pelvic pain. Human Reprod 2016; 31 (7): 1515-1521 (Artikel des Monats)
  5. Jonathan E. Handelzalts et al. Information seeking and perceptions of anxiety and pain among women undergoing hysterosalpingography. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Volume 202, July 2016, Pages 41–44
  6. Wannes Van Hoof , Guido Pennings, Petra De Sutter. Cross-border reproductive care for law evasion: should physicians be allowed to help infertility patients evade the law of their own country? Review. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Volume 202, July 2016, Pages 101–105
  7. Finn F. Lauszus et al. Fatigue and physical function after hysterectomy measured by SF-36, ergometer, and dynamometer. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics July 2016, Volume 294, Issue 1, pp 95-101
  8. Robert L. Klitzman. How old is too old? Challenges faced by clinicians concerning age cutoffs for patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril 2016; 106: 216–224.

Monat Juni 2016

  1. Smarandache A et al. Predictors of a negative labour and birth experience based on a national survey of Canadian women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:114 DOI 10.1186/s12884-016-0903-2 = Artikel des Monats
  2. C. Huchon et alo. Pregnancy loss: French clinical practice guidelines. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2016; 201: 18-26
  3. Amber Hill et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of intimate partner violence during pregnancy and selected birth outcomes. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2016; 133: 269-276
  4. Lukacz ES et al. Quality of Life and Sexual Function 2 Years After Vaginal Surgery for Prolapse. Obstetrics & Gynecology: June 2016 – Volume 127 – Issue 6 – p 1071–1079
  5. Colicchia, Laura C et al. Patient–Health Care Provider Conversations About Prenatal Genetic Screening: Recommendation or Personal Choice Colicchia, Laura C.; Holland, Cynthia L.; Tarr, Jill A.; Rubio, Doris M.; Rothenberger, Scott D.; Chang, Judy C. Less Obstetrics & Gynecology. 127(6):1145-1152, June 2016
  6. Committee Opinion No. 664 Summary: Refusal of Medically Recommended Treatment During Pregnancy  Less Obstetrics & Gynecology. 127(6):1189-1190, June 2016
  7. C. Winter et al. Depression, pregnancy-related anxiety and parental-antenatal attachment in couples using preimplantation genetic diagnosis Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (6): 1288-1299
  8. Maria Anna Tallandini et al. Parental disclosure of assisted reproductive technology (ART) conception to their children: a systematic and meta-analytic review Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (6): 1275-1287
  9. Rachel K. Jones “If I know I am on the pill and I get pregnant, it’s an act of God”: women’s views on fatalism, agency and pregnancy Contraception 2016; 93: Pages 551-555
  10. Almeida, Osvaldo. Depressive symptoms in midlife: the role of  reproductive stage. Menopause: June 2016 – Volume 23 – Issue 6 – p 669–675
  11. Patterns of social engagement in the transition to later life. Katherine Burna Maturitas 88 (2016) 90–95
  12. Amanda Ratigan et al. Sex differences in the association of physical function and cognitive function with life satisfaction in older age: The Rancho Bernardo Study. Maturitas 89  2016 Pages 29-35
  13. Michael von Wolff, et al. Characteristics and attitudes of women in relation to chosen fertility preservation techniques: a prospective, multicenter questionnaire-based study with 144 participants. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Volume 201, 2016; 12-17
  14. Hepp P et al. The MAGIC Group. Measuring the course of anxiety in women giving birth by caesarean section: a prospective study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2016, 16 :113 DOI 10.1186/s12884-016-0906-z

Monat Mai 2016

  1. Martin Alexander Schaller et al. Women show a higher level of anxiety during IVF treatment than men and hold different concerns: a cohort study. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. May 2016, Volume 293, Issue 5, pp 1137-1145
  2. Catherine McParlin et al. Hyperemesis in Pregnancy Study: a pilot randomised controlled trial of midwife-led outpatient care. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 200 (2016) 6–10
  3. Bruna H. Mellado et al. Social isolation in women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 133 (2016) 199–201 = ARTIKEL des MONATS
  4. FIGO committee report. Ethical issues in treating family members and close friends. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 133 (2016) 247–248
  5. John Jarrell et al. Allodynia and Dysmenorrhea. JOGC March 2016, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 270–274
  6. Flanagan, Tracy et al.  Perinatal Obstetric Office Depression Screening and Treatment: Implementation in a Health Care System Obstetrics & Gynecology. May 2016 – Volume 127 – Issue 5 – p 911–915
  7. Avalos, Lyndsay A. et al. Improved Perinatal Depression Screening, Treatment, and Outcomes With a Universal Obstetric Program. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 127(5):917-925, May 2016
  8. Venkatesh, Kartik K et al. Association of Antenatal Depression Symptoms and Antidepressant Treatment With Preterm Birth. Venkatesh, Kartik K.; Riley, Laura; Castro, Victor M.; Perlis, Roy H.; Kaimal, Anjali J. Less Obstetrics & Gynecology. 127(5):926-933, May 2016.
  9. Angelique J.C.M. van Dongen et al.  e-Therapy to reduce emotional distress in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART): a feasibility randomized controlled trial. Hum. Reprod. (2016) 31 (5): 1046-1057
  10. Holly N. Thomasa. A biopsychosocial approach to women’s sexual function and dysfunction at midlife: A narrative review. Maturitas 87 (2016) 49–60
  11. Camilla W. Rich et al. Addressing the emotional barriers to access to reproductive care. Fertility and Sterility. Volume 105, Issue 5, May 2016, Pages 1124–1127
  12. Tracy, Erin E. Intimate partner violence and the climacteric Menopause. May 2016 – Volume 23 – Issue 5 – p 479–480
  13. J. C. Radosa  et al. Der Einfluss des präoperativen Entscheidungsfindungsprozesses auf das postoperative Outcome nach Hysterektomie aufgrund benigner uteriner Pathologien. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2016; 76:1–8
  14. D. Brandi. Das Wunschkind, das anders ist . . . Ambivalenz zwischen weiblichem Begehren und der Angst vor der Unterwerfung. Gnyäkologe Gynäkologe 2016 · 49:285–293

Monat April 2016

  1. Noeli Aparecida Quessada Marquesim et al. Depression and anxiety in pregnant women with diabetes or mild hyperglycemia. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2016) 293:833–837
  2. Regina Celia Grion et al. Sexual function and quality of life in women with cervical cancer before radiotherapy: a pilot study. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2016) 293:879–886
  3. Fatih Kayhan et al. Mood and anxiety disorders in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 199 (2016) 192–197
  4. Carmen Stellar et al.  A systematic review and narrative report of the relationship between infertility, subfertility, and intimate partner violence. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 133 (2016) 3–8
  5. Gi-Youn Hong et al. Randomized controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of self-adhesive low-level light therapy in women with primary dysmenorrhea. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 133 (2016) 37–42
  6. Justin Mui et al. Abdominal wall pain in women with chronic pelvic pain. JOGC 2016; Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 154–159
  7. Jane Kohlhoff et al. Antenatal psychosocial assessment and depression screening in a private hospital. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2016; 56: 173–178
  8. Bernard M. Dickens. Legal and ethical issues of uterus transplantation. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 133 (2016) 125–128

Monat Februar 2016

  1. Marina Dimitraki et al. Evaluation of the effect of natural and emotional stress of labor on lactation and breast-feeding. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2016, Volume 293: 17-328
  2. Fabinshy Thangarajah et al. Cervical screening program and the psychological impact of an abnormal Pap smear: a self-assessment questionnaire study of 590 patients. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2016, 293:391-398
  3. Nikolaos V. Apostolopoulos et al. Association between chronic pelvic pain symptoms and the presence of endometriosis. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2016, Volume 293: 439-445
  4. Nadja Fritzer et al. When sex is not on fire: a prospective multicentre study evaluating the short-term effects of radical resection of endometriosis on quality of sex life and dyspareunia. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2016, 197: 36–40
  5. Vania Valoriani Differences in psychophysical well-being and signs of depression in couples undergoing their first consultation for assisted reproduction technology (ART): an Italian pilot study. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2016, 197: 179-183
  6. Mellado BH, et al, Social isolation in women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain. Int J Gynecol Obstet (2015) doi.org/10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.08.024
  7. Dickens BM, Legal and ethical issues of uterus transplantation. Int J Gynecol Obstet (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijgo.2016.01.002PsychosomaticsVolume 57, Issue 1, Pages A1-A4, 1-114 (Januar–Februar 2016) kein ArtikelPsycho-OncologyVolume 25, Issue 2, Pages 121–240 (Februar 2016)1. Correlates of quality of life in overweight or obese breast cancer survivors at enrollment into a weight loss trial Bilgé Pakiz, Patricia A. Ganz, Rebecca L. Sedjo, Shirley W. Flatt, Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, Jingxia Liu, Kathleen Y. Wolin and Cheryl L. Rock pp 142–1492. Association of childhood trauma with fatigue, depression, stress, and inflammation in breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy Tatiana J. Han, Jennifer C. Felger, Anna Lee, Donna Mister, Andrew H. Miller and Mylin A. Torres pp187–1933. Assessing the utility of a telephonically delivered psychoeducational intervention to improve health-related quality of life in African American breast cancer survivors: a pilot trial Kimlin Tam Ashing and Aria M. Miller pp 236–238

Monat Januar 2016

  1. O’Connor M et al. Adverse psychological outcomes following colposcopy and related procedures: a systematic review. BJOG 2016; 123: 24-38
  2. Hanlon AJM u. Beckmann MM. Mode of birth and early postnatal psychological morbidity Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015; 55: 578-583
  3. Vivak Hansrani et al. Is pelvic vein incompetence associated with symptoms of chronic pelvic pain in women? A pilot study. Euro J Obstet Gynecol Reprod 2016; 21-26
  4. Lilliecreutz et al. Effect of maternal stress during pregnancy on the risk for preterm birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2016, 16 :5 (15 January 2016)
  5. PPmP – Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie Ausgabe 1 ·  Volume 66 ·  Januar  2016 kein Artikel
  6. Psychosomatic Medicine Volume 78 – Issue 1- Januar  2016
  7. Postsurgical Depressive Symptoms and Proinflammatory Cytokine Elevations in Women Undergoing Primary Treatment for Breast Cancer. Bouchard, Laura C. MS; Antoni, Michael H. PhD; Blomberg, Bonnie B. PhD; Stagl, Jamie M. PhD; Gudenkauf, Lisa M. MS; Jutagir, Devika R. MS; Diaz, Alain PhD; Lechner, Suzanne PhD; Gluck, Stefan MD, PhD; Derhagopian, Robert P. MD; Carver, Charles S. PhD pp 26-37
  8. Psychosomatics Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages A1-A4, 1-114 (Januar–Februar 2016) kein Artikel
  9. Journal of Psychosomatic Research Volume 80, Issue 1, Pages 1-58 (Januar 2016)1. Patient satisfaction and psychological well-being after internet-based cognitive behavioral stress management (IB-CBSM) for women with preterm labor: A randomized controlled trial, S. Scherer, J. Alder, J. Gaab, T. Berger, K. Ihde, C. Urech, pp 37-43
  10. Psycho-Oncology Volume 25, Issue 1 Pages 1–120 (Januar 2016)1. The association of mood disorders with breast cancer survival: an investigation of linked cancer registration and hospital admission data for South East England R. Kanani, E. A. Davies, N. Hanchett and R. H. Jack pp 19–272. Women’s beliefs about breast cancer causation in a breast cancer case–control study Natalia Lizama, Pierra Rogers, Allyson Thomson, Terry Slevin, Lin Fritschi, Christobel Saunders and Jane Heyworth pp 36–423. Reliable change in neuropsychological assessment of breast cancer survivors Charissa Andreotti, James C. Root, Sanne B. Schagen, Brenna C. McDonald, Andrew J. Saykin, Thomas M. Atkinson, Yuelin Li and Tim A. Ahles pp 43–504. Goal adjustment influence on psychological well-being following advanced breast cancer diagnosis Wendy W.  T. Lam, Winnie Yeo, Joyce Suen, Wing Ming Ho, Janice Tsang, Inda Soong, Tze Kok Yau, Ka Yan Wong, Wing Kin Sze, Alice W.  Y. Ng, Ava Kwong, Dacita Suen, Daniel Fong, Samuel Ho and Richard Fielding pp 58–655. Sexual functioning in breast cancer survivors experiencing body image disturbance Virginia M. Boquiren, Mary Jane Esplen, Jiahui Wong, Brenda Toner, Ellen Warner and Noorulain Malik pp 66–766. Determinants of suicidal ideation in gynecological cancer patients G. X. Tang, P. P. Yan, C. L. Yan, B. Fu, S. J. Zhu, L. Q. Zhou, X. Huang, Y. Wang and J. Lei  pp 97–103

Monat Dezember 2015

  1. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Van Parys A et al. Intimate partner violence and psychosocial health, a cross-sectional study in a pregnant population. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15 (2015) 278 (11 November 2015)
  2. Obstet Gynecol Committee Opinion No. 649 Summary: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Obstet. Gynecol .126 (2015) 1325
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  4. Faramarzi M et al. A RCT of psychotherapy in women with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Human Reprod. 30 (2015) 2764-2773Climacteric
  5. Coronad PJ et al. Resilience and related factors in urban, mid-aged Spanish women. Climacteric 18 (2015) 867-872PPmP – Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie1.  Giesler JM, Weis J, Schreib M, Eichhorn S, Kuhnt S,  Faust T, Mehnert A, Ernst. Ambulante psychoonkologische Versorgung durch Krebsberatungsstellen – Leistungsspektrum und Inanspruchnahme durch Patienten und Angehörige. 65 (2015) 450-4582. Weißflog G, Mehnert A. Die familienzentrierte Trauertherapie – ein geeignetes Modell für die Palliativversorgung von Krebspatienten und ihren Familien? 65 (2015) 434-438Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1.   Timothy S. Sannes , Emily Dolan, Denise Albano, Rachel M. Ceballos , Bonnie A. McGregor. Stressmanagement reduces intraindividual cortisol variability, while not impacting othermeasures of cortisol rhythm, in a group ofwomen at risk for breast cancer. 79 (2015) 412-4192.   A. Duarte, J.Walker, S. Walker, G. Richardson, C. HolmHansen, P. Martin , G.Murray, M. Sculpher, M. Sharpe Cost-effectiveness of integrated collaborative care for comorbid major depression in patients with cancer. 79 (2015) 412-4193.   Gemma Archer , Hynek Pikhart, Jenny Head. Do depressive symptoms predict cancer incidence? 17-year follow-up of the Whitehall II study. 79 (2015) 595-6034.   Marsha Kaitz, David Mankuta, Ann Marie Rokema, Stephen V. Fara. Relation between maternal antenatal anxiety and infants’ weight depends on infants’ sex: A longitudinal study from late gestation to 1-month post birth. 79 (2015) 620-6275.   Elina Engberg, Beata Stach-Lempinen, Niina Sahrakorpi, Kristiina Rönö, Risto P. Roine, Hannu Kautiainen, Johan G. Eriksson, Saila B. Koivusalo A cross-sectional study of antenatal depressive symptoms in women at high risk for gestational diabetes mellitus. 79 (2015) 646-650PsychosomaticsVolume 56, Issue 6, Pages A1-A4, 609-716 (November–Dezember 2015) kein ArtikelPsycho-OncologyVolume 24, Issue 12 Pages i–i, 1587–1830 (Dezember 2015)1. Resilience as a predictor for emotional response to the diagnosis and surgery in breast cancer patients Sabine E. Markovitz, Ward Schrooten, Arnoud Arntz and Madelon L. Peters pp 1639–16452. Breast cancer-related lymphedema and sexual experiences: a mixed-method comparison study M. Elise Radina, Mei R. Fu, Lori Horstman and Yang Kang pp 1655–16623. Breast cancer survivors’ perceived medical communication competence and satisfaction with care at the end of treatment Anne Brédart, Jean-Luc Kop, Chavie Fiszer, Brigitte Sigal-Zafrani and Sylvie Dolbeault pp 1670–16784. Partner support and anxiety in young women with breast cancer Nancy A. Borstelmann, Shoshana M. Rosenberg, Kathryn J. Ruddy, Rulla M. Tamimi, Shari Gelber, Lidia Schapira, Steven Come, Virginia Borges, Evan Morgan and Ann H. Partridge pp 1679–16855. Optimism and depression: a new look at social support as a mediator among women at risk for breast cancer Melissa J. Garner, Bonnie A. McGregor, Karly M. Murphy, Alex L. Koenig, Emily D. Dolan and Denise Albano pp 1708–17136. The balance of clinician and patient input into treatment decision-making in older women with operable breast cancer Jenna L. Morgan, Maria Burton, Karen Collins, Kate J. Lifford, Thompson G. Robinson, Kwok-Leung Cheung, Riccardo Audisio, Malcolm W. Reed, Lynda Wyld and on behalf of the Bridging the Age Gap Trial Management Team pp 1761–17667. Late effects of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer on fine motor function Yoo Young Hoogendam, Sanne B. Schagen, M. Arfan Ikram, Willem Boogerd, Caroline Seynaeve, Rachael D. Seidler, Monique M. B. Breteler, Jos N. Van der Geest and Vincent Koppelmans pp 1799–18078. The moderating effect of perceived partner empathy on body image and depression among breast cancer survivors Su-Ying Fang, Hong-Tai Chang and Bih-Ching Shu pp 1815–18229. Body image perceptions among women with pre-existing physical disability who developed breast cancer: a qualitative exploration Kelly B. Smith, Lisa I. Iezzoni, Kerry L. Kilbridge, Hannah Pajolek, Katherine Ellicott Colson and Elyse R. Park pp 1826–1829


Monat November 2015

  1. Europ J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Med Antonio Simone Laganà, Irene Condemi, Giovanni Retto, Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Antonio Bruno, Rocco Antonio Zoccali, Onofrio Triolo, Clemente Cedro Analysis of psychopathological comorbidity behind the common symptoms and signs of endometriosis. S. 30-33.
  2. Sophie Wylomanski, Réjane Bouquin, Matthieu Hanf, Norbert Winer, Brigitte Dréno, Roman Rouzier, Gaëlle Quéreux Sexual well-being in patients with vulvar disease: results from a preliminary prospective matched case–control study. S. 106-110.Obstetrics & Gynecology
  3. Obstetric Care Consensus No. 3 Summary: Periviable Birth 126:1123-1125
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  5. Simoes E et al. Im Spannungsfeld von Sozialgesetzgebung und Medizin: Gynäko-onkologische Patientinnen und ihr Recht auf Teilhabe in der Gesellschaft. 75: 1-6Human Reproduction
  6. Gameiro S et al. ESHRE guideline: routine psychosocial care in infertility and medically assisted reproduction—a guide for fertility staff. 30: 2476-2485
  7. Gressier F et al. Post-partum depressive symptoms and medically assisted conception: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 30: 2575-2586Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  8. Nicole Reilly et al. Identifying psychosocial risk among mothers in an Australian private maternity setting: A pilot study. 55: 453–458Maturiats
  9. Peter Chedraui, Faustino R. Pérez-López Assessing sexual problems in women at midlife using the short version of the female sexual function index299-303Menopause1.      Woods N. Menopause, symptom clusters, and the complexity of women’s lives. 22: 1153-11542.      Minkin MJ et al. Prevalence of postmenopausal symptoms in North America and Europe. 22: 1231-12383.      NAMS: Nonhormonal management of menopause-associated vasomotor symptoms: 2015 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. 22: 1155–1174PPmP – Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie1.      Zeissig, Sylke Ruth; Singer, Susanne; Koch, Lena; Blettner, Maria; Arndt, Volker: Inanspruchnahme psychoonkologischer Versorgung im Krankenhaus und in Krebsberatungsstellen durch Brust-, Darm- und Prostatakrebsüberlebende. 65 (5)2.      Albrecht, Rebecca; Löwe, Bernd; A. Brünahl, Christian; Riegel, Björn: Chronische Unterbauchschmerzen und Persönlichkeit – Zusammenhänge zwischen körperlichen Beschwerden und psychischer Struktur 65 (11) ·Psychosomatic Medicine
  10. Class, Quetzal A.; Mortensen, Preben B.; Henriksen, Tine B.; Class, Quetzal A.; Mortensen, Preben B.; Henriksen, Tine B.; Dalman, Christina; D’Onofrio, Brian M.; Khashan, Ali S. Less Preconception Maternal Bereavement and Infant and Childhood Mortality: A Danish Population-Based Study 77: 863-869Psychosomatics
  11.  Marina Bar-Shai, Diana Gott, Isabella Kreinin, Sarah Marmor. Atypical Presentations of Pregnancy-Specific Generalized Anxiety Disorders in Women Without a Previous Psychiatric Background. 56:286-291,
  12. Isheeta Zalpuri, Nancy Byatt, Stacey B. Gramann, Nehama Dresner, Rebecca Brendel. Decisional Capacity in Pregnancy: A Complex Case of Pregnancy Termination. 56:292-297
  13. Laura P. McLafferty, Priya Gopalan, Pierre N. Azzam. Capacity Evaluations in Late-Stage Pregnancy. 56:298-301Journal of Psychosomatic Research
  14. Xiaoyu Bi, Rudolf H. Moos, Christine Timko, Ruth C. Cronkite. Family conflict and somatic symptoms over 10 years: A growth mixture model analysis. 78: 459-465
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  17. Bing Fu, Nan Qin, Li Cheng, Guanxiu Tang, Yi Cao, Chunli Yan, Xin Huang, Pingping Yan, Shujuan Zhu, Jun Lei. Development and validation of an Infertility Stigma Scale for Chinese women  79: 69-75
  18. Annastasia Ediati, Sultana M.H. Faradz, Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, Jan van der Ende, Stenvert L.S. Drop, Arianne B. Dessens. Emotional and behavioral problems in late-identified Indonesian patients with disorders of sex development. 79: 76-84
  19. Qian Lu, Jenny Man, Jin You, Angie S. LeRoy. The link between ambivalence over emotional expression and depressive symptoms among Chinese breast cancer survivors. 79: 153-158Psycho-Oncology
  20. Nicole Ennis Whitehead and Lauren E. Hearn. Psychosocial interventions addressing the needs of Black women diagnosed with breast cancer: a review of the current landscape 24: 497–507
  21. Mervi Siekkinen, Seppo Pyrhönen, Anne Ryhänen, Tero Vahlberg and Helena Leino-Kilpi. Psychosocial outcomes of e-feedback of radiotherapy for breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. 24: 515–522
  22. Yuping Wang, Xiongzhao Zhu, Yanjie Yang, Jinyao Yi, Lili Tang, Jincai He, Gannong Chen, Lingyan Li and Yuling Yang What factors are predictive of benefit finding in women treated for non-metastatic breast cancer? A prospective stud. 24 533–539
  23.  James C. Root, Elizabeth Ryan, Gregory Barnett, Charissa Andreotti, Kemi Bolutayo and Tim Ahles. Learning and memory performance in a cohort of clinically referred breast cancer survivors: the role of attention versus forgetting in patient-reported memory complaints. 24: 548–555
  24. Chi-Shin Wu, Mong-Liang Lu, Yin-To Liao, Charles Tzu-Chi Lee and Vincent Chin-Hung Chen. Ovarian cancer and antidepressants. 24: 579–584
  25. Nancy K. Janz, Rebecca L. Leinberger, Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher, Sarah T. Hawley, Kent Griffith and Reshma Jagsi. Provider perspectives on presenting risk information and managing worry about recurrence among breast cancer survivors 24:  592–600
  26. Sheri J. Hartman, Catherine R. Marinac, Loki Natarajan and Ruth E. Patterson. Lifestyle factors associated with cognitive functioning in breast cancer survivors 24: 669–675
  27. Jie Li, Lixiang Yu, Zhouting Long, Yang Li and Fenglin Cao. Perceived cognitive impairment in Chinese patients with breast cancer and its relationship with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and fatigue. 24: 676–682
  28. Marion Carayol, Cyrille Delpierre, Paquito Bernard and Grégory Ninot. Population-, intervention- and methodology-related characteristics of clinical trials impact exercise efficacy during adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: a meta-regression analysis. 24: 737–747
  29. Camille E. Short, Erica L. James, Afaf Girgis, Mario I D’Souza and Ronald C. Plotnikoff. Main outcomes of the Move More for Life Trial: a randomised controlled trial examining the effects of tailored-print and targeted-print materials for promoting physical activity among post-treatment breast cancer survivors. 24: 771–778
  30. Maria Burton, Karen Anna Collins, Kate Joanna Lifford, Kate Brain, Lynda Wyld, L. Caldon, Jacqui Gath, Deirdre Revell and Malcolm William Reed. The information and decision support needs of older women (>75 yrs) facing treatment choices for breast cancer: a qualitative study. 24: 878–884
  31. Lyn W. Freeman, Rebecca White, Chelsea G. Ratcliff, Sue Sutton, Mary Stewart, J. Lynn Palmer, Judith Link and Lorenzo Cohen. A randomized trial comparing live and telemedicine deliveries of an imagery-based behavioral intervention for breast cancer survivors: reducing symptoms and barriers to care. 24: 910–918
  32. Heather M. Derry, Lisa M. Jaremka, Jeanette M. Bennett, Juan Peng, Rebecca Andridge, Charles Shapiro, William B. Malarkey, Charles F. Emery, Rachel Layman, Ewa Mrozek, Ronald Glaser and Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser. Yoga and self-reported cognitive problems in breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. 24: 958–966
  33. Anne Marie Sowerbutts, Jane Griffiths, Chris Todd and Katrina Lavelle. Why are older women not having surgery for breast cancer? A qualitative study. 24: 1036–1042)
  34. Catarina Tojal and Raquel Costa. Depressive symptoms and mental adjustment in women with breast cancer. 24: 1060–1065
  35. Nora J. Sporn, Kelly B. Smith, William F. Pirl, Inga T. Lennes, Kelly A. Hyland and Elyse R. Park. Sexual health communication between cancer survivors and providers: how frequently does it occur and which providers are preferred? 24: 1167–1173
  36. Shannon Myers Virtue, Sharon L. Manne, Kathleen Darabos, Carolyn J. Heckman, Melissa Ozga, David Kissane, Stephen Rubin and Norman Rosenblum. Emotion episodes during psychotherapy sessions among women newly diagnosed with gynecological cancers. 24: pages 1189–1196
  37. Catherine Ruth Mackenzie. Breast cancer survivors’ experiences of partner support and physical activity participation. 24: 1197–1203
  38. Linda Dong-Ling Wang, Wendy Wing Tak Lam, Joseph Wu and Richard Fielding. Psychosocial determinants of Chinese parental HPV vaccination intention for adolescent girls: preventing cervical cancer. 24: 1233–1240
  39. Linda Trinh, Steve Amireault, Jason Lacombe and Catherine M. Sabiston. Physical and psychological health among breast cancer survivors: interactions with sedentary behavior and physical activity. 24: 1279–1285
  40. Robert Zachariae and Mia S. O’Toole. The effect of expressive writing intervention on psychological and physical health outcomes in cancer patients—a systematic review and meta-analysis. 24: 1349–1359
  41. L. M. Ercoli, L. Petersen, A. M. Hunter, S. A. Castellon, L. Kwan, B. A. Kahn-Mills, L. M. Embree, P. A. Cernin, A. F. Leuchter and P. A. Ganz. Cognitive rehabilitation group intervention for breast cancer survivors: results of a randomized clinical trial. 24: 1360–1367
  42. Kristina Geue, Ricarda Schmidt, Annekathrin Sender, Siegfried Sauter and Michael Friedrich. Sexuality and romantic relationships in young adult cancer survivors: satisfaction and supportive care needs. 24: 1368–1376
  43. Cathleen D. Zick, Robert N. Mayer and Ken R. Smith. Putting it off: family breast cancer history and women’s retirement planning. 24: 1500–1505
  44. Marisa Ávila, Tânia Brandão, Joana Teixeira, Joaquim Luis Coimbra and Paula Mena Matos. Attachment, emotion regulation, and adaptation to breast cancer: assessment of a mediational hypothesis. 24: 1514–1520
  45. Sharon L. Manne, Scott Siegel, Carolyn J. Heckman and Deborah A. Kashy. psychological distress as a mediator of the association between disease severity and occupational functioning among employed spouses of women recently diagnosed with breast cancer. 24: 1560–1568
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